Church Shopping?

I recently decided to look for a new church for our family and it's been a really emotional ride. I just don't know what I want. I already miss the idea of my previous church but it lost it's sense of belonging and family. I feel misunderstood in that environment. However, I was learning and my faith was growing there. Last night I was looking at someones photos on Facebook and came across some of the church and it made me so sad and disappointed. Is it supposed to be this hard?

Last Sunday we went to a church that in my opinion, preached hate. It was rough for me to even sit through. My husband and I just held hands and forced ourselves to go through the experience. We left the service feeling dirty and really melancholy. It was everything that we don't like about a church. The kids had a good time though- Lainie thought it was fun so at least they have a great children's program.

So what's next? We've emailed a few places and we are going to visit and see what we find. I just don't know if I can find what I am looking for. I guess I should just look at the bright side and remember that 3 years ago- this wouldn't have made any difference to me at all. I didn't care about church and I didn't know God. So there is that.


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