Subtle Mind

I have never had much of a problem with being able to clear my mind and go into a relaxed state. I have been practicing this for years and I have been able to reach some really great places in my own mind but this week was different. My husband left to go to a small mountain town in Haiti last week and I have really been missing him. Every time I get the kids down to bed and I have silence, my mind wonders what he is doing and how he is feeling. There isn't any cell reception there, so I haven't heard form him since he left the US. The loving kindness exercise was easier than the subtle mind practice because I was focusing all my love and attention on him. It's been really hard to get out of the mind set. I can't clear my mind or think about myself- it ends up turning into a talk with God about Jeff. This is good for me though. When I can focus on good things for him, I feel less stresses and that goes along with what we have been talking about. When I am mentally OK, I am more relaxed and in a better place physically. When I am stressed, my muscles in my neck and back are tight and I can't sleep and I get headaches. Relaxing eliminates all of that. It all works together.


  1. Hi,

    I hope everything is going well with your husband over in Haiti and he gets in touch with you soon. I think the fact that you tried the subtle mind exercise counts for something. Probably until you get comfortable and your husband gets in touch with you the best exercise might be the loving kindness one.

    Take care,

  2. Yes, it really is an integrated process, and one which demands the ability to be able to go within our Selves to find that quiet place where our inner Selves live, learn to tell them to be quiet and to listen to the silence as it is in the silence of the mind where the answers are most profound ! MAPU


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